Steve Tesch


Jeff Wimer

Manager of Student Logging Crew
BS, 1983, Oregon State University




Research Interests
Logging safety and education; Developing safety training materials for the logging community; Log truck safety; Log truck costing.

Current Programs
Fatal accident investigator in conjunction with OR-FACE program.
Research on total case incident rates involving mechanized logging.
Developing training for timber harvesting community involving safe tower rigging processes.
Co-authoring timber harvesting safety manual.

Current Publications:
Fallers Logging Safety Manual. Oregon Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation, Center for research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology, Oregon Health and Science University 2007.

Murphy G. and J. Wimer 2007. Controlling Truck Productivity and Cost. A look at multiple aspects of truck cost variability. Accepted paper at the 2007 International Mountain Logging and 13th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium April 2007.

Web Pages