How can we design forestry practices that accommodate the variety of ecosystem functions and processes as well as the variety of management objectives?
As management options become more limited, what can we do to ensure that forests are able to adapt to changing environmental, biological, and social conditions?
What are the tradeoffs in terms of short- and long-term productivity when we emphasize adaptive capacity? How can we quantify these tradeoffs?
What flies are they biting on? These are questions that intrigue me. My colleagues Dave Coates, Christian Messier and I believe that managing forests as complex adaptive systems can be helpful in this context
(see A Critique of Silviculture). A closer look at complexity science provides opportunities to learn new ideas and approaches for managing forest ecosystems
(see Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems). But there is still much to be learned, especially in terms of how concepts and findings from complexity science translate into management applications.
I have made this the focus of my research program. My recent and future work in this context deals with developing silvicultural treatments that maintain or encourage adaptive capacity,
so forest can respond to changes while providing income, timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, and other services. I have worked with various large-scale management experiments, set up by my predecessors and colleagues in the early 1990s
(e.g., the Young Stand Thinning and Diversity Study and the Density Management Study initiated by John Tappeiner, Brenda McComb and others).
These studies investigated various treatments to diversify stand structure and composition in even-aged, 30 to 70-year old Douglas-fir stands.
These studies have provided insights how various components of forests respond to increased spatial diversity, including tree regeneration, understory vegetation,
songbirds, and amphibians. These days I spend more time thinking about the role of adaptive capacity, how it is expressed in forests, how we can measure it,
and how we can manage forests to improve it. This and related work are my contributions to keeping silviculture up-to-date and relevant in a future driven by global change. It is a privilege to be working on the "cutting edge", to be involved in a powerful set of experiments, and to work with fine colleagues, students, and other professionals.
I need to specifically mention the support of the Edmund Hayes Professorship in Silviculture Alternatives, which I held from 2010 to 2023. Let’s strive to contribute to forest science so managers, politicians, and the public can make better informed decisions about forest management. Courses
FES 240 Forest Biology StudentsCurrent Students
Anna Wemple, M.S. Past Students Oregon State UniversityAnthony D'Amato, MS 2000-2002 Liane Davis (Beggs), MS 2002-2004 Robert Fahey, MS 2004-2006 Matthew Kluber, MS 2004-2007 Cheryl Bright, MF 2005-2007 Lori Kayes, PhD 2004-2009 Andy Neill, MS 2009-2012 Sveta Yegorova, MS 2009-2012 Kenny Ruzicka, PhD 2010-2014 Bryn Morgan, M.F. 2014-2016 Julian Geisel, M.S. 2014-2017 John Punches, PhD 2003-2017 Daniel Soto, PhD 2013-2017 Austin Himes, Ph.D. 2016 - 2019 Adam Bouche, M.S. 2017 - 2019 Neal Rhea, MNR 2020 Lewis Campbell, M.F. 2020 – 2022 Amanda Brackett, M.S. 2019 - 2022 Micah Schmidt, M.F. 2021 – 2023 University of Minnesota Meredith Cornett, MS 1993-1996/PhD 1996-2000 Alaina Davis (Berger), MS 1994-1997 Erica Hahn (Johnson) , MS (Plan B) 1996-1997 Jada Jackson, MS (Plan B) 1996-1998 Michael Saunders, MS 1994-1998 Michael Counte, MS 1997-2000 Dominic Ackerman, MS (Plan B) 1995-2001 Melissa Arikian, MS 1997-2001 Bruce Moreira, MS (Plan B) 1999-2001 Jerry Krueger, PhD 1999-2002 Darren Blackford, MS 2000-2006 Back to TOP EmploymentNo job openings at this time.Back to TOP |