North Central Regional
Extension Publication No. 377
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Herbicide Mode of Action and Crop Injury Symptoms CD-ROM (Item #6893)
North Central Regional Publication
377 |
Herbicide Mode of Action and Injury
Jeffrey L. Gunsolus Extension
Agronomist—Weed Science Department of Agronomy and Plant
Genetics University of Minnesota |
William S. Curran Extension
Agronomist—Weed Science Department of Agronomy Pennsylvania
State University |
© 2002 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All
rights reserved.
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Herbicide Mode of Action
To be effective, herbicides must 1) adequately contact plants;
2) be absorbedby plants; 3) move within the plants to the
site of action, without being deactivated; and 4) reach toxic
levels at the site of action. The application method used, whether
preplant incorporated, preemergence, or postemergence, determines whether
the herbicide will contact germinating seedlings, roots, shoots, or leaves
of plants.
The term mode of action refers to the sequence of events from
absorption into plants to plant death. The mode of action of the herbicide
influences how the herbicide is applied. For example, contact herbicides
that disrupt cell membranes, such as acifluorfen (Blazer) or paraquat
(Gramoxone Extra), need to be applied postemergence to leaf tissue in
order to be effective. Seedling growth inhibitors, such as trifluralin
(Treflan) and alachlor (Lasso), need to be applied to the soil to
effectively control newly germinated seedlings.
Soil-Applied Herbicide Activity in Plants
Because the seeds of many weed species are quite small and germinate
within 0.5 to 1.0 inch of the soil surface, it is important that soil-
applied herbicides be positioned in the top 1 to 2 inches of soil to be
effective. Herbicide positioning can be accomplished by mechanical
incorporation or rainfall. Once a herbicide comes in contact with the
plant, absorption through the roots or shoots is very important. A
herbicide that is absorbed through the roots will be taken up as long as
the herbicide-treated soil remains in contact with the absorbing region
near the root tips. As the roots grow to greater soil depths, herbicide
uptake declines. Therefore, weeds not killed before the root tips grow out
of the herbicide-treated soil are likely to survive.
Many soil-applied herbicides are absorbed through plant shoots while
they are still underground and may kill or injure the shoots before they
emerge from the soil. Volatile herbicides such as the thiocarbamates
(e.g., EPTC [Eradicane]) and the dinitroanilines (e.g., trifluralin
[Treflan]) can penetrate the shoot as gases. Less volatile herbicides such
as the acetanilides (e.g., alachlor [Lasso]) are absorbed into the shoot
as liquids. Physical and environmental factors that promote rapid crop
emergence reduce the length of time that a plant is in contact with a
soil-applied herbicide and, therefore, reduce the possibility of crop
Herbicides differ in their ability to translocate (i.e., move) within a
plant. The soil-applied dinitroaniline herbicides (e.g., trifluralin
[Treflan]) are not mobile within the plant. Therefore, their injury
symptoms are confined to the site of uptake. Other herbicides are mobile
within the plant. For example, soil-applied atrazine is absorbed by plant
roots and moves upward within the water transport system of the plant
(i.e., xylem) to be concentrated in the leaves. In general, injury
symptoms will be most prominent at the site where the mobile herbicides
Postemergence Herbicide Activity in Plants
Effective postemergence herbicide application is dependent upon
adequate contact with above-ground plant shoots and leaves. Therefore, it
is important that spray pressure and volume be adjusted for adequate plant
coverage. Also, it is very important that the proper nozzles be used.
Hollow-cone or flat-fan nozzles are generally recommended. Read the
herbicide label for details.
For postemergence herbicides, the chemical and physical relationships
between the leaf surface and the herbicide often determine the rate and
amount of uptake. Factors such as plant size and age, water stress, air
temperature, relative humidity, and herbicide additives can influence the
rate and amount of herbicide uptake. Additives such as crop oil
concentrates, surfactants, or liquid fertilizer solutions (e.g., UAN) can
increase herbicide uptake by a plant. Application of herbicides under hot
and dry conditions or application to older and larger weeds or weeds under
water stress can decrease the amount of herbicide uptake. Differences in
the rate and amount of herbicide uptake influence the potential for crop
injury and weed control and often explain the year to year variation in
the effectiveness of the herbicide. Also, the faster a herbicide is
absorbed by a plant, the less likely it will be that rain will wash the
herbicide off the plants.
Like soil-applied herbicides, postemergence herbicides differ in their
ability to move within a plant. For adequate weed control, nonmobile
postemergence herbicides must thoroughly cover the plant. Nonmobile
herbicides are often called contact herbicides and include the
bipyridylium, diphenylether, benzothiadiazole, and nitrile families. Other
herbicides are mobile within the plant and can move from the site of
application to their site of herbicidal activity. For example, growth
regulator herbicides such as 2,4-D and dicamba (Banvel) move both upward
and downward within a plant's food transport system (i.e., the phloem) to
the growing points of the shoots and roots. In general, injury symptoms
will be most prominent at the sites at which the mobile herbicides
Herbicide Selectivity
Plants that can rapidly degrade or deactivate a herbicide can escape
that herbicide's toxic effects. Corn is tolerant to the triazine
herbicides because it quickly deactivates these herbicides by binding them
to naturally occurring plant chemicals. Soybean tolerance to metribuzin
(Sencor, Lexone) is at least partially due to the deactivation of the
herbicide by conjugating (i.e., binding) to plant sugar molecules.
Situations may occur in which a crop may be injured by a herbicide to
which it is normally tolerant. This often occurs because environmental
stresses such as hot or cold temperatures, high relative humidity, or hail
decrease a plant's natural ability to reduce herbicide uptake or
deactivate a herbicide. Postemergence cyanazine (Bladex) injury to corn
under cold and wet weather conditions is a good example of environmentally
induced herbicide injury. An excessive application of herbicide, due to
misapplication, can also injure a tolerant crop by overwhelming the crop's
herbicide degradation and deactivation systems.
Herbicide Resistance
A number of weed species that were once susceptible and easily managed
by certain herbicides have developed resistance. These weeds are no longer
controlled by applications of previously effective herbicides. To date, at
least 53 species of weeds are resistant to at least five different
herbicide families. Some well-known herbicides and resistant species are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Herbicide classification and geographic
location of weeds that have developed herbicide resistant
biotypes. |
Herbicide Family |
Herbicides |
Weeds |
Country |
Dinitroaniline |
Trifluralin |
Goosegrass Green foxtail |
USA Canada |
Bipyridylium |
Paraquat |
Hairy Fleabane |
Egypt |
Arlyoxyphenoxy- propionate |
Diclofop |
Annual Ryegrass |
Austrailia |
Triazine |
Atrazine/ Simazine |
Common Groundsel, Lambsquarters, Pigweed,
Kochia, Annual Bluegrass, Witchgrass, Downy Brome |
USA Canada |
Sulfonylurea |
Chlorsulfuron |
Kochia, Russian Thistle Prickly Lettuce |
Herbicide resistance probably develops through the selection of
naturally occurring biotypes of weeds exposed to a particular family of
herbicides over a period of years. A biotype is a population of plants
within the same species that has specific traits in common. Resistant
plants survive, go to seed, and create new generations of herbicide
resistant weeds.
Mechanisms for resistance vary depending on herbicide family. Resistant
biotypes may have slight biochemical differences from their susceptible
counterparts that eliminates sensitivity to certain herbicides. For
example, in sulfonylurea susceptible plants, a herbicide attaching or
binding to an enzyme (acetlactate synthase or ALS) is responsible for
disrupting amino acid biosynthesis (see Figure 1). Sulfonylurea herbicide resistant plants have a
modified ALS enzyme that prevents herbicide binding.
Also, while photosynthesis is inhibited in triazine herbicide
susceptible biotypes, because of a slight change in a chloroplast protein,
triazine resistant biotypes are able to continue normal photosynthesis
upon exposure to triazine herbicides (see Figure 2). The potential for developing herbicide
resistant biotypes is greatest when an herbicide has a single site of
action (Figures 1 and 2).
Regardless of the mechanism for resistance, becoming familiar with the
herbicide mode of action can help design programs that prevent the
introduction and spread of herbicide resistant weeds. Management programs
for herbicide resistance should emphasize an integrated approach that
stresses prevention. Dependence on a single strategy or herbicide family
for managing weeds will surely increase the likelihood of additional
herbicide resistance problems in the future. Some guidelines for an
integrated approach to managing herbicide resistant weeds are given below.
to Table of Contents
- Practice crop rotation.
- Rotate herbicide families and use herbicides with different modes of
- Use herbicide mixtures with different modes of action.
- Control weedy escapes and practice good sanitation to prevent the
spread of resistant weeds.
- Integrate cultural, mechanical, and chemical weed control
Herbicide Families
An understanding of how herbicides kill weeds (i.e., herbicide mode of
action) may be useful in selecting and applying the proper herbicide for a
given weed control problem and for preventing herbicide resistance
problems. Understanding herbicide mode of action is also very useful in
diagnosing herbicide injury complaints. Although a large number of
herbicides are available in the marketplace, several have similar chemical
properties and herbicidal activity. Herbicides with a common chemistry are
grouped into "families." Herbicide families are a convenient way of
organizing information about herbicides. In addition, two or more
herbicide families may have the same mode of action within the plant and
thus express the same herbicide activity and injury symptoms. The
following paragraphs describe the characteristics of widely used herbicide
families grouped by their mode of action. These seven major modes of
action are as follows: growth regulation, amino acid synthesis inhibition,
lipid synthesis inhibition, seedling growth inhibition, photosynthesis
inhibition, cell membrane disruption, and pigment inhibition.
to Table of Contents
The growth regulators include the following herbicide families:
phenoxy acetic acids, benzoic acids, and the pyridines. Growth regulator
herbicides can act at multiple sites in a plant to disrupt hormone
balance and protein synthesis and thereby cause a variety of plant
growth abnormalities. Growth regulator herbicides selectively kill
broadleaf weeds; however, they are capable of injuring grass crops.
Herbicides in this group can move in both the xylem and the phloem to
areas of new plant growth. As a result, many herbicides in this group
are effective on perennial and annual broadleaf weeds. Herbicide uptake
is primarily through the foliage but root uptake is possible. Injury
symptoms are most obvious on newly developing leaves.
- Phenoxy Acetic Acids
- Use: 2,4-D for small grains, corn, grass pastures, and
non- cropland. MCPA for small grains 2,4-DB for alfalfa and soybeans
- Injury Symptoms: Broadleaf plants exhibit stem twisting
(epinasty), callus tissue formation, and leaf malformations
(cupping, crinkling, parallel veins, leaf strapping). Corn plants
exhibit rolled leaves (onion-leafing), fused brace roots, stalk
bending and brittleness, and missing kernels. Small grains exhibit
twisted flag leaves, sterile florets or multiple florets. See Photos 1 to 10.
- Site of Action: Specific site(s) unknown, believed to
have multiple sites of action.
- Benzoic Acids
- Use: Dicamba (Banvel, Clarity) for corn, wheat, oats,
sorghum, pastures, and noncropland
- Injury Symptoms: Banvel injury is similar to that caused
by the phenoxy acetic acid herbicides; however, broadleaf plants may
exhibit more cupping than strapping of leaf tissue.
- Site of Action: Specific site(s) unknown, believed to
have multiple sites of action.
- Pyridines
- Use: Clopyralid (Stinger) for small grains, sugarbeets,
corn, and grass pastures
Picloram (Tordon) for noncropland,
small grains, and grass pastures Triclopyr (Crossbow, see
package mixtures, Table 11) for noncropland and grass pasture
- Injury Symptoms: Similar to the phenoxy acetic acids.
- Site of Action: Specific site(s) unknown, believed to
have multiple sites of action.
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The amino acid synthesis inhibitors include the following herbicide
families: sulfonylureas, imidazolinones, sulfonamide, and amino acid
derivatives. Amino acid synthesis inhibitors act on a specific enzyme to
prevent the production of specific amino acids, key building blocks for
normal plant growth and development. Sulfonylurea, imidazolinone, and
sulfonamide herbicides prevent the production of three essential
branch-chain amino acids by inhibiting one key plant enzyme. The amino
acid derivative herbicides inhibit the production of three essential
aromatic amino acids by inhibiting another key plant enzyme. In general,
injury symptoms are slow to develop (1 to 2 weeks) and include stunting
or slowing of plant growth and a slow plant death. Herbicides in the
sulfonylurea, imidazolinone, and sulfonamide families can move in both
the xylem and phloem to areas of new growth and can be taken up through
plant foliage and roots. Herbicides in these three families may have
activity on annual and perennial broadleaf or grass weeds and may be
soil- or foliar-applied. The amino acid derivative herbicides are
nonselective and the site of uptake is the plant foliage. Herbicides in
this family move via the phloem to all parts of the plant; these are
excellent perennial weed control herbicides and are active on annual
weeds as well.
- Imidazolinones
- Use: Imazamethabenz (Assert) for wheat, barley, and
sunflowers - Imazaquin (Scepter) for soybeans - Imazethapyr
(Pursuit) for soybeans, dry beans, and peas.
- Injury Symptoms: Grass plants may be stunted, with
interveinal yellowing (chlorosis) or purpling. Corn plants may be
stunted and show symptoms of root inhibition such as pruning of
lateral roots. Leaves emerging from the corn whorl may not unfurl
properly and may be yellow to translucent in appearance. Broadleaf
plants may be stunted and chlorotic or purple. Soybean injury can
range from stunting to death of the terminal growing point. Soybean
leaves may be yellow in appearance and leaf veination may appear red
or purple in color. See Photos 11 to 18.
- Site of Action: Acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme. Also
referred to as acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS).
- Sulfonylureas
- Use: Chlorimuron (Classic) for soybeans
(Glean) for small grains and the Conservation Reserve Program
(CRP) Primisulfuron (Beacon) for corn Thifensulfuron (Harmony)
for small grains (Pinnacle) for soybeans Triasulfuron (Amber) for
small grains Nicosulfuron (Accent) for corn Metsulfuron (Ally)
for small grains, grass pastures, and CRP Tribenuron (Express)
for small grains
- Injury Symptoms: Same as the imidazolinone herbicides.
- Site of Action:Acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme. Also
referred to as acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS).
- Sulfonamides
- Use: DE-498 (Broadstrike) experimental for corn and
- Injury Symptoms: Same as the imidazolinone herbicides.
- Site of Action: Acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme. Also
referred to as acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS).
- Amino Acid Derivatives
- Use: Glyphosate (Roundup, Ranger, Rodeo) nonselective
weed control for burndown and spot treatments in corn, soybeans,
small grains, pasture, and noncropland
- Injury Symptoms: Plant foliage, especially new growth,
will first yellow and then turn brown and die within 10 to 14 days
after herbicide application. See Photo 19
- Site of Action: 5-enolpyruvyl-shikimate-3 phosphate
synthase (EPSP synthase) enzyme.
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The lipid synthesis inhibitors include the following herbicide
families: aryloxyphenoxypropionates and cyclohexanediones. These
herbicides prevent the formation of fatty acids, components essential
for the production of plant lipids. Lipids are vital to the integrity of
cell membranes and to new plant growth. The lipid synthesis inhibitor
herbicides inhibit a single key enzyme involved in fatty acid
biosynthesis (Figure 1). Broadleaf plants are tolerant to these
herbicide families, however, almost all perennial and annual grasses are
susceptible. Injury symptoms are slow to develop (7 to 14 days) and
appear first on new leaves emerging from the whorl of the grass plant.
These herbicides are taken up by the foliage and move in the phloem to
areas of new growth.
- Cyclohexanediones
- Use: Sethoxydim (Poast, Poast Plus) for soybeans and
alfalfa Clethodim (Select) for soybeans
- Injury Symptoms: Injury is seen on grass plants only.
Newer leaf tissue will be yellow (chlorotic) or brown (necrotic) and
the leaves in the leaf whorl can be easily separated from the rest
of the plant. See Photos 20 to 23.
- Site of Action: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase enzyme.
- Aryloxyphenoxypropionates
- Use: Diclofop (Hoelon) for small grains Fluazifop
(Fusilade) for soybeans Fenoxaprop (Whip, Option) for soybeans
Quizalofop (Assure II) for soybeans
- Injury Symptoms: Same as the cyclohexanedione herbicides.
- Site of Action: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
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The seedling growth inhibitors include the following herbicide
families: dinitroanilines, acetanilides, and thiocarbamates. Seedling
growth inhibitors interfere with new plant growth, thereby reducing the
ability of seedlings to develop normally in the soil. Herbicides in
these families must be soil-applied. Plants can take up these herbicides
after germinating until the seedling emerges from the soil. Therefore,
these herbicides are only effective on seedling annual or perennial
weeds. Plants that have emerged from the soil uninjured are likely to
remain unaffected. Seedling growth inhibitors are active at two main
sites, the developing shoot and the root. Much more is known about how
seedling root inhibiting herbicides work than about how seedling shoot
inhibitors work. The root inhibitors stop plant cells from dividing,
which inhibits shoot elongation and lateral root formation. Uptake is
through developing roots and shoots. Because herbicide movement within
the plant is limited, herbicide injury is confined primarily to plant
roots and shoots. Shoot inhibiting herbicides are taken up by developing
roots and shoots and can move via the xylem to areas of new growth.
There is evidence to suggest that these herbicides can affect multiple
sites within a plant, primarily interfering with lipid and protein
- Root Inhibitors
- Dinitroanilines
- Use: Benefin (Balan) for alfalfa Ethalfluralin
(Sonalan) for soybeans Pendimethalin (Prowl) for corn
(preemergence only), soybeans, dry beans, and sunflowers
Trifluralin (Treflan) for soybeans, dry beans, and sunflowers
- Injury Symptoms: General symptoms include stunted
plants that do not fully emerge from the soil and short, thick
lateral roots. Grass shoots are short and thick and may appear red
or purple in color.
Broadleaf plants may have swollen and
cracked hypocotyls (the area below the cotyledons). Following
preemergence treatments, callus tissue may appear at the base of
soybean stems. See Photos 24 to 27.
- Site of Action: Tubulin protein involved in cell
- Shoot Inhibitors
- Acetanilides
- Use: Alachlor (Lasso) for corn, dry beans, sorghum,
sunflowers, and soybeans
Acetochlor an experimental for corn
Metolachlor (Dual) for corn, dry beans, sorghum, and soybeans
Propachlor (Ramrod) for corn, flax, and sorghum
- Injury Symptoms: General symptoms include stunting of
shoots that result in abnormal seedlings that do not emerge from
the soil. Grasses may leaf-out underground or leaves may not
properly unfurl. Broadleaves may have crinkled leaves and/or a
shortened mid-vein, which produces a "drawstring" effect. See Photos 28 to 31.
- Site of Action: Specific site(s) unknown, believed to
have multiple sites of action.
- Thiocarbamates
- Use: EPTC (Eptam) for alfalfa, dry beans, flax,
sugarbeets, and sunflowers
EPTC plus safener (Eradicane,
Eradicane Extra) for corn Butylate plus safener (Sutan+) for
corn Triallate (Far-Go) for wheat and barley
- Injury Symptoms: General symptoms include stunting of
shoots and poor emergence from the soil. Grasses may fail to
emerge from the coleoptile or leaf-out underground. Leaf tips may
not unfurl from the coleoptile properly, which results in the
"buggy whip" effect. Broadleaves may have crinkled or puckered
leaves or leaf buds may not open.
- Site of Action: Specific site(s) unknown, believed to
have multiple sites of action.
to Table of Contents
The photosynthesis inhibitors include the following herbicide
families: triazines, phenylureas, uracils, benzothiadiazoles, and
nitriles. Photosynthesis inhibitors shut down the photosynthetic (food
producing) process in susceptible plants by binding to specific sites
within the plant's chloroplasts. Inhibition of photosynthesis could
result in a slow starvation of the plant; however, the plant experiences
a more rapid death that is believed to be due to the production of
secondary toxic substances. Injury symptoms include yellowing
(chlorosis) of leaf tissue followed by death (necrosis) of the tissue.
Three of the herbicide families (triazines, phenylureas, and uracils)
are taken up into the plant via the roots or foliage and move in the
xylem to plant leaves. As a result, injury symptoms will first appear on
the older leaves, along the leaf margin. After foliar application,
triazine, phenylurea, and uracil herbicides are less mobile and do not
move out of the leaf tissue. The nitrile and benzothiadiazole herbicide
families are not mobile in plants and are classified as postemergence
contact herbicides. These herbicides have no soil activity. Contact
herbicides must thoroughly cover a susceptible plant's foliage if
complete control is to be achieved. Photosynthetic inhibitors may
control annual or perennial grass or broadleaf weeds.
- Mobile Herbicides
- Triazines
- Use: Ametryn (Evik) for corn
Atrazine for corn and
sorghum Cyanazine (Bladex) for corn Simazine (Princep) for
corn Metribuzin (Lexone, Sencor) for alfalfa and soybeans
Hexazinone (Velpar) for alfalfa
- Injury Symptoms: Photosynthesis inhibitors do not
prevent seedlings from germinating or emerging. Injury symptoms
only occur after the cotyledons and first leaves emerge. Initial
injury symptoms include yellowing of the leaf margins or tips. In
broadleaf plants, yellowing between the leaf veins (interveinal
chlorosis) may occur. Older and larger leaves will be affected
first because they take up more of the herbicide-water solution
and they are the primary photosynthetic tissue of the plant.
Injured leaf tissue will eventually turn brown and die. Due to the
chemical nature of the herbicide/soil relationship, injury
symptoms are likely to increase as the soil pH increases (higher
than pH 7.2). See Photos 32 to 34.
- Site of Action: D-1 quinone-binding protein of
photosynthetic electron transport.
- Phenylureas
- Use: Linuron (Lorox) for soybeans and corn
Tebuthiuron (Spike) for grass pasture and noncropland
- Injury Symptoms: Same as for the triazine herbicides.
- Site of Action: D-1 quinone-binding protein of
photosynthetic electron transport.
- Uracils
- Use: Terbacil (Sinbar) for alfalfa
- Injury Symptoms: Same as for triazine herbicides.
- Site of Action: D-1 quinone-binding protein of
photosynthetic electron transport.
- Nonmobile Herbicides
- Benzothiadiazoles
- Use: Bentazon (Basagran) for soybeans, corn, dry beans,
and grain sorghum
- Injury Symptoms: Plant injury is confined to foliage
that has come in contact with the herbicide. Affected leaves will
become yellow or bronze in color and eventually turn brown and
die. Injury symptoms can look similar to the injury caused by cell
membrane disrupters. Crop oil concentrate and other additives may
increase weed control and crop injury symptoms. See Photos 35 and 36.
- Site of Action: D-1 quinone-binding protein of
photosynthetic electron transport.
- Nitriles
- Use: Bromoxynil (Buctril) for wheat, barley, oats, rye,
flax, corn, and alfalfa
- Injury Symptoms: Plant injury is confined to foliage
that has come in contact with the herbicide. Foliage that has been
thoroughly covered with the herbicide will turn yellow, then turn
brown and die. Contact of a low rate of herbicide with leaves may
result in spotting or speckling of the leaf surface. Crop oil
concentrates and other additives may intensify injury symptoms.
- Site of Action: D-1 quinone-binding protein of
photosynthetic electron transport.
to Table of Contents
The cell membrane disrupters include the diphenylether and
bipyridylium herbicide families. These herbicides are postemergence
contact herbicides that are activated by exposure to sunlight to form
oxygen compounds such as hydrogen peroxide. These oxygen compounds
destroy plant tissue by rupturing plant cell membranes. Destruction of
cell membranes results in a rapid browning (necrosis) of plant tissue.
On a bright and sunny day, herbicide injury symptoms can occur in 1 to 2
hours. Because these are contact herbicides, they are excellent for
burndown of existing foliage and postemergence control of annual weeds.
Perennial weeds usually regrow because there is no herbicide movement to
underground root or shoot systems. These herbicides have little soil
- Use: Paraquat (Gramoxone Extra) for nonselective weed
control in corn, soybeans, small grains, and dormant
Difenzoquat (Avenge) for barley, winter wheat, and some
spring and durum wheat varieties
- Injury Symptoms: Plant leaves will have a limp,
water-soaked appearance, which is followed by browning (necrosis) of
the plant tissue. Drift injury will appear as speckling on leaf
tissue. See Photo 37 and 38.
- Site of Action: Activated by photosystem I (PSI).
- Diphenylethers
- Use: Acifluorfen (Blazer) for soybeans
(Cobra) for soybeans Fomesafen (Reflex) for soybeans
- Injury Symptoms: Plant leaves will yellow and then turn
brown and die. Reddish-colored spotting on the leaf surface may
appear shortly after the herbicide is applied. Plants that do not
die may be stunted for a week or more. Crop oils and other
additives, as well as extremely cool or warm temperatures, may
increase plant injury.
- Site of Action: Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase
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Pigment inhibitors prevent plants from forming photosynthetic
pigments. As a result, the affected plant parts become white to
translucent. Clomazone (Command), a soil-applied herbicide, is the only
member of the isoxazolidinone family in use at this time. Command is
taken up by plant roots and shoots and can move in the xylem to plant
leaves. The newly developed foliage of many plant species is so
sensitive to Command that very small amounts can whiten new plant
growth. Norflurazon (Zorial), a soil-applied herbicide, is the only
member of the pyridazinone family in use at this time. Zorial is taken
up by plant roots and moves to the growing points of susceptible plants.
Susceptible weeds will emerge as white plants before dying.
- Isoxazolidinones
- Use: Clomazone (Command) for soybeans
- Injury Symptoms: Plants turn white, often becoming
translucent at the leaf tips. In corn, if more than 75% of the plant
is white it will likely die. See Photos 39 to 41.
- Site of Action: Specific site(s) unknown but is different
than the pyridazinones.
- Pyridazinones
- Use: Norflurazon (Zorial) for soybeans and cotton grown
in the southern U.S.A. only.
- Injury Symptoms: Plants turn white, often becoming
- Site of Action: Phytoene and phytofluene desaturase
enzymes of the terpenoid pathway.
2. Cross Reference list of herbicide trade names and common names
classified as growth regulators.
to Table of Contents
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Banvel |
Dicamba |
MCPA Ester, others |
MCPA Ester |
2,4-D Amine, others |
2,4-D Amine |
Butyrac |
2,4-DB |
Stinger |
Clopyralid |
2,4-D Ester, others |
2,4-D Ester |
Clarity |
Dicamba |
Tordon 22K2 |
Picloram |
2,4-DB |
2,4-DB |
MCPA Amine, others |
MCPA Amine |
| |
Table 3. Cross Reference list of
herbicide trade names and common names classified as amino acid synthesis
(ALS synthase enzyme) inhibitors.
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Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Accent |
Nicosulfuron |
Broadstrike |
Flumetsulam |
Harmony Extra |
Tribenuron+ |
Ally |
Metsulfuron |
Classic |
Chlorimuron |
Thifensulfuron |
Amber |
Trisulfuron |
Express |
Tribenuron |
Pinnacle |
Thifensulfuron |
Assert |
Imazamethabenz |
Glean |
Chlorsulfuron |
Pursuit |
Imazethapyr |
Beacon |
Primisulfuron |
Harmony |
Thifensulfuron |
Scepter |
Imazaquin |
| |
Table 4. Cross Reference list of
herbicide trade names and common names classified as amino acid synthesis
(EPSP synthase enzyme) inhibitors.
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Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Honcho |
Glyphosate |
Rattler |
Glyphosate |
Ruler |
Glyphosate |
Jury |
Glyphosate |
Rodeo |
Glyphosate |
Show-Off |
Glyphosate |
Mirage |
Glyphosate |
Roundup |
Glyphosate |
Silhouette |
Glyphosate |
Ranger |
Glyphosate |
| |
Table 5. Cross Reference list of
herbicide trade names and common names classified as lipid (Acetyl-CoA
carboxylase enzyme) inhibitors.
to Table of Contents
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Assure II |
Quizalofop |
Hoelon2 |
Diclofop |
Poast Plus |
Sethoxydim |
Fusilade 2000 |
Fluazifop |
Option II |
Fenoxaprop |
Select |
Clethodim |
Fusilade DX |
Fluazifop |
Poast |
Sethoxydim |
Whip |
Fenoxaprop |
Fusion |
Fluazifop+ |
Fenoxaprop |
| |
Table 6. Cross Reference list of
herbicide trade names and common names classified as seedling root
(tubulin protein) inhibitors.
to Table of Contents
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Balan |
Benefin |
Prowl |
Pendimethalin |
Treflan |
Trifluralin |
Basalin |
Fluchloralin |
Sonalan |
Ethalfuralin |
Trific |
Trifluralin |
Trillin |
| |
Table 7. Cross Reference list of
herbicide trade names and common names classified as seedling shoot
to Table of Contents
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Arena2 |
Alachlor |
Eradicane |
Judge2 |
Alachlor |
Confidence2 |
Alachlor |
Dichlormid |
Lasso2 |
Alachlor |
Cropstar2 |
Alachlor |
Eradicane Extra |
Partner2 |
Alachlor |
Dual |
Metolachlor |
Dichlormid+ |
Ramrod |
Propachlor |
Eptam |
Dietholate |
Stall |
Alachlor |
Far-Go |
Triallate |
Surpass2 |
Acetochlor+ |
Frontier |
Dimethenamid |
Dichormid |
Harness Plus2 |
Acetochlor+ |
Sutan |
Butylate+ |
Safener |
Dichlormid | |
Table 8. Cross Reference list of
herbicide trade names and common names classified as photosynthesis (D-1
quinone-binding protein) inhibitors.
to Table of Contents
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Atrazine2 |
Atrazine |
Exrazine II2 |
Cyanazine+ |
Linex |
Linuron |
Basagran |
Bentazon |
Atrazine |
Lorox |
Linuron |
Bladex2 |
Cyanazine |
Hyvar XL |
Bromacil |
Princep |
Simazine |
Buctril |
Bromoxynil |
Laddok2 |
Bentazon+ |
Sencor |
Metribuzin |
Buctril-Atrazine2 |
Bromoxynil+ |
Atrazine |
Sinbar |
Terbacil |
Atrazine |
Lexone |
Metribuzin |
Spike |
Tebuthiuron |
Evik |
Ametryn |
Tough |
Pyridate |
Velpar |
Hexazinone | |
Table 9. Cross Reference list of
herbicide trade names and common names classified as cell membrane
to Table of Contents
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Activated by
Photosystem I |
Protoporhyrinogen |
Avenge |
Difenzoquat |
Blazer |
Acilfluorfen |
Cyclone2 |
Paraquat |
Cobra |
Lactofen |
Gramoxone Extra2 |
Paraquat |
Reflex |
Fomesafen | |
Table 10. Cross Reference list
of herbicide trade names and common names classified as pigment
to Table of Contents
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Trade Name |
Common Name |
Command |
Clomazone |
Zorial |
Norflurazon | |
Table 11. Cross reference list
of package mixture trade names and common names and their sites of action.
to Table of Contents
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Reference Table |
Trade1 Name |
Common Name |
Reference Table |
Bicep2 |
Atrazine+ |
8+ |
Galaxy |
Bentazon+ |
8+ |
Metolachlor |
7 |
Acifluorfen |
9 |
Broadstrike+ |
Flumetsulam+ |
3+ |
Gemini |
Linuron+ |
8+ |
Dual |
Metrolachlor |
7 |
Chlorimuron |
3 |
Broadstrike+ |
Flumetsulam+ |
3+ |
Harmony Extra |
Tribenuron+ |
3+ |
Treflan |
Trifluralin |
6 |
Thifensulfuron |
3 |
Bronate |
Bromoxynil |
8+ |
Laddok2 |
Bentazon+ |
8+ |
2 |
Atrazine |
8 |
Alachlor+ |
7+ |
Landmaster |
Glyphosate |
4+ |
Glyphosate |
4 |
2,4-D |
2 |
Buckle |
Triallate+ |
7+ |
Lariat2 |
Alachlor+ |
7+ |
Trifluralin |
6 |
Atrazine |
8 |
Buctril-Atrazine2 |
Bromoxynil+ |
8+ |
Lasso+Atrazine2 |
Alachlor+ |
7+ |
Atrazine |
8 |
Atrazine |
8 |
Bullet2 |
Alachlor+ |
7+ |
Lorox Plus |
Linuron+ |
8+ |
Atrazine |
8 |
Chrlorimuron |
3 |
Cannon2 |
Alachlor+ |
7+ |
Marksman2 |
Dicamba+ |
2+ |
Trifluralin |
6 |
Atrazine |
8 |
Canopy |
Chlorimuron+ |
3+ |
Passport |
Trifluranlin+ |
6+ |
Metribuzin |
8 |
Imazethapyr |
3 |
Cheyenne TP2 |
Fenoxaprop+ |
5+ |
Preview |
Metribuzin+ |
8+ |
MCPA ester+ |
2+ |
Chlorimuron |
3 |
Thifensulfuron+ |
3+ |
Prozine2 |
Pendimethalin+ |
6+ |
Tribenuron |
3 |
Atrazine |
8 |
Commence |
Clomazone+ |
10+ |
Pursuit Plus |
Imazethapyr+ |
3+ |
Trifluralin |
6 |
Pendimethalin |
6 |
Concert |
Chlorimuron |
3+ |
Ramrod+Atrazine2 |
Propachlor+ |
7+ |
Thifensulfuron |
3 |
Atrazine |
8 |
Crossbow |
Triclopyr+ |
2+ |
Salute |
Trifluralin+ |
6+ |
2,4-D ester |
2 |
Metribuzin |
8 |
Curtail |
Clopyralid+ |
2+ |
Squadron |
Imazaquin+ |
3+ |
2,4-D amine |
2 |
Pendimethalin |
6 |
Curtail M |
Clopyralid+ |
2+ |
Storm |
Acifluorfen+ |
9+ |
MCPA ester |
2 |
Bentazon |
8 |
Cycle2 |
Metolachlor+ |
7+ |
Sutazine2 |
Butylate |
7+ |
Cyanazine |
8 |
Atrazine |
8 |
Dakota TP |
Fenoxaprop+ |
5+ |
Synchrony STS |
Chlorimuron+ |
3+ |
MCPA ester |
2 |
Thifensulfuron |
3 |
Extrazine II2 |
Cyanazine+ |
8+ |
Tiller |
Fenoxaprop+ |
5+ |
Atrazine |
8 |
2,4-D+ |
2+ |
Fallow Master |
Glyphosate+ |
4+ |
2 |
Dicamba |
2 |
Finesse |
Chlorsulfuron |
3+ |
Tornado |
Fluazifop+ |
5+ |
Metsulfuron |
3 |
Fomesafen |
9 |
Freedom2 |
Alachlor+ |
7+ |
Tri-Scept |
Imazaquin |
3+ |
Trifluralin |
6 |
Trifluralin |
6 |
Fusion |
Fluazifop+ |
5+ |
Turbo |
Metolachlor+ |
7+ |
Fenoxaprop |
5 |
Metribuzin |
8 | |
- Callus tissue—
- A mass of plant cells that form at a wounded surface.
- Chloroplast—
- A membrane-enclosed structure that contains the green pigment
molecules (chlorophyll) essential for photosynthesis (i.e., food
- Chlorosis—
- A yellowing in plant color due to a decline in chlorophyll
- Contact Herbicide—
- A general classification for herbicides that are unable to
move within a plant. A contact herbicide's effectiveness is highly
dependent upon uniform coverage of treated soil or plant tissue.
- Epinasty—
- A bending of plant parts (e.g., stems of leaf petioles)
downwards due to increased growth on the upper side of an affected
plant part. Often associated with the plant growth regulator
- Herbicide mode of action—
- The sequence of events from absorption of the herbicide into
the plant through plant death. Refers to all plant-herbicide
- Herbicide site of action—
- The primary biochemical site that is affected by the
herbicide, ultimately resulting in the death of the plant. Also
referred to as herbicide mechanism of action.
- Necrosis—
- The death of specific plant tissue while the rest of the plant
is still alive. Necrotic areas are generally dark brown in color.
- Phloem—
- Plant tissue that functions as a conduit for the movement
(translocation) of sugars and other plant nutrients.
- Postemergence application—
- A time of herbicide application occurring after the crop and
weeds emerge from the soil. Also referred to as a foliar
- Preemergence application—
- A time of herbicide application occurring before the crop is
planted but before the crop or weeds emerge from the soil.
- Preplanting application—
- A time of herbicide application occurring before the crop is
planted. Often followed by an incorporation (mechanical mixing)
into the top 1 to 2 inches of soil. Often referred to as a
preplant incorporation treatment.
- Systemic herbicide—
- A general classification for herbicides that are able to move
away from the site of absorption to other parts of the
- Translocation—
- The movement of water, plant sugars, and nutrients,
herbicides, and other soluble materials from one plant part to
- Translucent—
- An absence of leaf tissue pigments that results in the
diffusion of light, giving the plant an off-white color.
- Xylem—
- Plant tissue that functions as a conduit for the upward
movement (translocation) of water from the roots to above-ground
plant parts.
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